A two players vehicular combat for the XBox 360.
Battle taken place in a modern earth deep in the hidden advance civilization territory.
The cold war between the Scor, the Midnightz and the Lupes is finally ending, escalating to an outbreak of war between these nations. Pitting all of their kingdom's resources in building their own battle vehicle, and this time, there will be no mercy shown. However, they have to find the perfect combat driver to to help represent their kindom in this inevitable war.
Choose your desired vehicle and battle it out.
Nothing besides skill can ensure your victory.

Dev History:
The team's project originally made for the team's polytechnic module called, 'Console Game Development' for XBox 360 using XNA GameStudio 2.0. Gameplay was originally belonged to YZ's and XxJYxX's project in it's early phase. [R]idz and RainA who were then working together on a project decided to merge with them upon YZ's suggestion due to both parties interest of time and game completeness. After the end of presentation for the project, the team direction is to compete in the Dream.Build.Play 2008. The team later recruited Law, a close classmates as well as the leader of his own 2D game along with Xue.
Xx . Early dev phase snapshot . xX
This project was showcased on the Games Convenction Asia at
Suntec City Convention Centre on 18-20 September 08.
A lot of people have tried this game since then.