Monday, January 1, 2001

Project: Radical Mars Racer

A 3D racing simulation game made for the SP proprietary radical m0tion simulat0r as their school final year project.
Made in C++ using DirectX 9.0c SDK.
Project was led by Ridz with his members developer that consist of YZ, Rain, XxJYxX and Xue.
Project can't be considered as successful as the game play due to it's lack of integration
with the radical moti0n simulat0r. Project is on hold for now.

Radical Moti0n Simulat0r:

Screenshots of RMR:

Note: Xue was the only member of the former project that didn't join DevScissorsX.
She's a good 3D environment modeler as well as fast-learner programmer. Her talents was truly missed!