devScissorsX will be in one of the GCAC booth promoting
Impetus as well as our other schoolmates' project, D3DXMATRIX's
Besides that, we'll also be promoting our diploma course from our school,
Singapore P0lytechnic's
Information Technology (Game Development Option).
This will be the first time ever in history that devScissorsX exposes themselves to the public.
The following message below was from an email that contains an information about the upcoming Games Convention Asia Conference.
I just wanted to send a quick reminder that Games Convention Asian Conference is happening 18
th and 19
th this week at Suntec City, level 3. GCAC is Asia’s biggest and best developer conference with more than 500 developers from across Asia, Europe and US coming together to learn, find inspiration and network.
There's a really amazing lineup for developers this year, with some amazing keynotes
* Peter Molyneux of Lionhead and Bullfrog [Fable, Black&White, Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, etc].
* Cevat Yarli, the founder of Crytek (Farcry, Crysis)
* Joonmo Kwon, the CEO of Nexon Corp (Kartrider, Maplestory)
There's also a really cool lineup of other speakers; some of the ones I'm personally going to try to catch are:
Ragnar Tornquist, Creative Director of Funcom (Age of Conan, Anarchy Online) speaking about storytelling and universe building in MMOs. Ragnar’s one of my favourite storytellers, and he’s got a lot of experience in the MMO field, in addition to being the lead designer behind gorgeous adventure games Dreamfall and Longest Journey.
Gary Mi, Producer for Radiance, talking about developing and publishing games in china. Gary brings experience from working in Singapore (Koei), Shanghai (Radiance), Taiwan and US. He’s also been on the steering committees for IGDA in both Singapore and Shanghai.
Garett Wiley, Founder and VP of Finance of Red5, a massive MMO startup formed by the core development team of WOW, which he helped raise capital for. Garett is talking about how they raised capital, and what separates a winning company from a loosing one.
Veteran game developer Don Daglow has been making games longer than I’ve been alive (his oldest credits are for a game called simply Baseball, released in 1971), most recently forming and running Stormfront from 1988-2007 (Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, Stronghold, in total >12M units sold). He’s now looking at mobile and casual games, and will talk about designing for small footprint games. This talk shouldn’t be missed.
Claude Langlais, the Technical Director for Assassin’s Creed and Prince of Persia, talking about the implementation of crowds and Crowd AIs in Assassin’s Creed. This talk covers pipeline, tools and code for one of the games that's defined next gen in terms of control and character animation.
John Neimann, President of Asia Publishing, EA, talking about virtual economies and their intersection with the real economy. EA's going into this in a big way with FIFA Online and Battlefront; Heroes, and John's one of the biggest guns EA has.. should be interesting.
Theo Sanders is the VP of marketing for Razer, and he'll be talking about the evolution and future of control mechanisms (so not just a razer promo). Theo came from Blizzard, having worked as multiplayer producer on WOW and Starcraft II.
There’s also a bunch of general interest talks and panels, on everything from pitching games, finding outsourcers, and the future of gaming as a media.
Attached is the full schedule for the program; hopefully there’s something for everyone, with amazing keynotes, insightful lectures, and fun free parties/networking events at night. To read more about the speakers you can hit the website at
Hope to see you all there!
~ updated by Ridz
~ updated by Ridz