Inspire yourself~

'Guitar Hero' rocks!
Its a great success;

Inspire yourself~

'Guitar Hero' rocks!

See lots of beautiful game posters around. Some of them are distributed as freebies, great XD

Didnt manage to watch e finalist. Go to know from youtube that the
Ninja Monkeys emerged as victors.

Some of the interesting artworks by DigiPen

The above isn't our booth. There are two game courses offered in SP.
Dip. in Information Technology (Game Development Option) [DIT(GD)] and
Dip. Games Design and Development [DGDD].
We're in DIT(GD) and the above booth is the latter one.

Left: XxJYxX
Right: Ridz
Viwawa dolls
Thanking for viewing :).
We're looking forward to GCA 2009!
~ updated by Rain